Friday, April 19, 2013


Have you ever wanted to ride a horse that you weren't aloud to like Kate with Buccaner? I have, there was this one horse named Rex at my barn. He was my trainer's show horse but she taught lessons on him. I never got to ride him before she sold him.

Have you ever had an experience with fire? I have multiple times that i already told you about. If i had to deal with a situation like Kate and Holly i would probably freak out.

I better get off the computer now. I just wanted to write a short blog before i had to go since i hadn't blogged in a while. I am getting severe weather were i live and there are possible tornados. Hope all of you have a great weekend!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Maggie Dana just announced a few days ago about the 6th book in the Timber Ridge Riders series. It is going to be called: ALMOST PERFECT. Check out the Timber Ridge Riders facebook page for more information.

Also, check out the page St. Reiston Academy on facebook please. It is a book series that my best friend and I are writing. The page may not be up until 1:00PM on Tuesday April 2nd. Please check it out and like the page. I really appriciate it, thank you everyone.